
The main goal of public relations is to strengthen a company’s reputation, People who work in public relations are skilled communicators. It is their job to present the company in the best possible light to customers, investors, and the general public. A positive corporate image increases sales, attracts the most talented workers, and encourages people to invest in a business.


1.PR:Public Relations 公共關係

2.reputation :名聲 = fame 

3.strengthen :優勢、強項

4.skilled :熟練的(人) / skillful :有技巧的

5.communicator :溝通者 the best possible light :盡可能的表現

7.corporate image :企業形象

8.attract :吸引

9.encourage :鼓勵




There are many ways in which companies seek to build and maintain their corporate image. A traditional PR strategy is developing good relationshops with the media to make sure the company gets mentioned in the news in a positive way. Some companies give their brand a ‘face’ by using celebrities to promote their products, like sportswear company Nike did with basketball star Michael Jordan. In recent years, businesses have increased their visibility by sponsoring popular sports events such as the Olympics. The biggest Olympic sponsors, such as McDonalds, Visa, Coca Cola, are said to pay US$ 20 million per year to use the Olympic logo in their advertising. Finally , companies try to improve their reputation by taking action that is seen to benefit society or the environment.


10.strategy :策略

11.brand :品牌

12.sportswear :運動用品

13.visibility :能見度

14.sponsor :贊助 said to + 原V :據說 seen to +原V :被認為 / be seen as + N :被視為



Although PR is widely accepted as part of the marketing process it also has its critics. These critics say that all too often. PR means presenting a company in a way that is positive, but not necessarily truthful. For example, a spokesperson may present only the facts that are favorable to the company, and not mention other facts that are equally true, but that could harm the organization. However , then based on ethical principles, company’s PR efforts can strengthen its reputation and contribute to its success.


17.critic :評論家

18.necessarily :必然地

19.truthful :真實的

20.favorable :有利的

21.ethical :道德的

22.principle :原則




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